Asda's response to suspended production at textile factories in Türkiye
Presently Asda does not work with Ebru Triko, and did not during the period these allegations were made.
We have engaged with our direct supplier to understand the recent events, any worker impacts and the processes followed in the closing down of the site - Art Giyim.
Art Giyim have informed us that when they ceased operating (May 2024) all severance payments were made to workers. The site had a Union presence, and they were informed and engaged in the dialogue around the closure with workers being provided between 4-8 weeks' notice of the closure.
Asda made payments for goods ordered and received in-line with our terms and conditions and paid for these in-full. In addition, we have detailed Standards for Suppliers which communicate our expectations on the operations with our supply chain and what fair and decent work entails.