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BD News 24 (Bangladesh)

Bangladesh: MH Trade Intl. boss arrested for falsifying documents to send 14 year old to Saudi as domestic worker where she was abused & killed

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"Bangladesh arrests recruiting agent over death of domestic worker Kulsum in Saudi Arabia,"

Mokbul was apprehended from the office of his company, MH Trade International, in the capital's Fakirapool during a raid on Thursday, said Polash Kumar Basu, an executive magistrate of the RAB.

He is charged with falsifying 14-year-old Kulsum's age to 26 in her travel documents when she was sent to the Middle-Eastern country.

Kulsum was allegedly tortured to death in a Saudi Arabian hospital on Aug 9. Her body was flown back home on Sept 11...

The RAB-3 arrested another suspect alongside Mokbul during the raid, according to Polash. Legal action will be taken against them once the raid is completed, he said.