Banro response to Salamabila events of 15 September 2012
On September 15, 2012, Radio Okapi reported a disturbance involving artisanal miners and community members at Salamabila. The Radio Okapi brief report contains several critical errors...On the morning of 15th September some 200 persons staged a demonstration at the Namoya Camp where Banro operates...[The] National Police...fired warning shots in the air...It can unequivocally be stated by Banro that no one was shot during a short interaction between the police and the protesters. It was also not obvious to witnesses that the demonstrator group contained artisanal miners...From reports gleaned...from the National Police and Namoya employees, the group subsequently moved...[toward] Kimbaseke village...[There] the Police dispersed the group...[including with] warning shots...The Namoya Project has attempted to ascertain...whether there could have been injuries...during this segment of activity, but have been unable obtain any response [regarding the eventts at Kimbaseke]...There has been no complaint to Banro of such injuries, or any blame directed at Banro. Banro will continue to attempt to gain conclusive information one way or the other.