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BHP lawsuit (re Escondida copper mine, Chile)

ステータス: CLOSED

Date lawsuit was filed
Public entity
申立の提出場所: チリ
事件の発生場所: チリ
訴訟の種類: 国内


BHP オーストラリア 鉱業, 石油・ガス・石炭
Rio Tinto イギリス 鉱業
Mitsubishi Materials (part of Mitsubishi Group) 日本 金属/プラスチック/基礎材料: 一般
Mitsubishi Group 日本 食品及び飲料, 化学物質 一般, 電気製品, 金融及び銀行, 鉱業, テクノロジー、テレコム、エレクトロニクス, 輸送: 一般
Nippon Mining 日本 鉱業
三菱商事株式会社(三菱グループ) 日本 金融及び銀行, エネルギー, 化学物質 一般, 食品及び飲料


Snapshot: In 2020, Chile's State Defense Council (CDE) filed a lawsuit in the First Environmental Court of Antofagasta against BHP's Escondida copper mine, alleging continuous and irreparable environmental damage to the Punta Negra Salt Flat. The lawsuit highlighted seven key areas of environmental harm, amongst others: severe depletion of the aquifers, deterioration of the saline substrate and total or partial loss of wetlands and vegetation. In May 2021, a court-approved agreement was reached between the parties. BHP committed to spending up to $93 million to address the environmental damage caused by overdrawing water from the Punta Negra Salt Flat. The agreement includes 19 measures aimed at mitigating the damage, such as conducting technical studies of the salt flat and developing a management plan that requires approval from the environment ministry. The case is closed.