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Khuon Narim, CamboJA

Cambodia: Phnom Penh Municipal Court wrap up trial hearing of environmentalists charged with incitement; verdict is due on 5 May

"Their trial finished, Mother Nature activists await sentence in incitement case", 8 April 2021

…, a Phnom Penh court officially concluded the trial of three environmental activists charged … with incitement after protesting the filling of Boeng Tamok lake.

The activists, all members of non-governmental organization Mother Nature Cambodia, are scheduled to receive their verdict … from the Phnom Penh Municipal Court.

Prosecutors have asked the court for a stiff punishment against the activists, Long Kunthea, Phuon Keoreaksmey and Thon Ratha…

Thursday’s trial focused on interrogations done by judicial police who had arrested the activists and compiled evidence against them. Bun Sok Seikha, Phnom Penh deputy police chief, told the court that, after questioning Kunthea and Keoreaksmey over the offending social media posts, he had examined the phones of the defendants and found what he said appeared to another offense related to the third activist, Thon Ratha…

During the trial of the activists, the court has seen various videos produced by Mother Nature activists covering sand dredging but also other topics such as sewage draining into the sea, filling of lakes and other environmental issues…

Sam Chamroeun, one of three defense lawyers on the case, said there was no basis to the charge against his client because all of the alleged activities were to “protect the environment and serve national interest”…

The defense attorney said his clients have only exercised “right freedoms of expression and raised a concern” which is standard in democratic society.

Chak Sopheap, executive director at CCHR, called on the court to drop the charges levelled against the three activists, saying the case constitutes a clear violation of the fundamental freedoms of expression and association…
