Canada: Advocacy groups call for environmental assessment for Copper Mountain Mine extension
Date Reported: 2023年6月10日
場所: カナダ
三菱商事株式会社 - Parent Company , Copper Mountain Mine Ltd (JV between Hudbay Minerals (75%) and Mitsubishi Corp (25%)) , Hudbay Minerals - Parent Companyプロジェクト
Cooper Mountain Mine関連
Total individuals affected: Number unknown
先住民族: ( Number unknown - Location unknown - Sector unknown , Gender not reported )課題
Water pollution , インパクトアセスメント , Violation of environmental safety standards回答
Response sought: いいえ
情報源のタイプ: Press release
"Pressure builds on ‘B.C.’ to review mine expansion that syilx communities say threatens the Similkameen River" 6 October 2023
The Lower Similkameen Indian Band (LSIB) and Upper Similkameen Indian Band (USIB) have both called for a full environmental assessment of the Copper Mountain Mine’s extension project in letters to the province in June and July, respectively. A formal request for this assessment from LSIB is currently under review.
Twenty-two environmental groups on both sides of the Canada-U.S. border — including the Wilderness Committee, David Suzuki Foundation, Okanogan Highlands Alliance and SkeenaWild Conservation Trust — are now putting their weight behind this call...
The Copper Mountain Mine has been in operation along the Similkameen River south of “Princeton” since 1972. The proposed New Ingerbelle Extension, which the Copper Mountain Mine (BC) Ltd. applied for in 2019, would expand the existing New Ingerbelle Pit and associated infrastructure by 298 hectares...