Chevron Attempts to Repair Tarnished Image with ‘We Agree’ Ad Campaign
Chevron has launched a new global advertising campaign called “We Agree,” which is in direct response to industry critics...“We hear what people say about oil companies — that they should develop renewables, support communities, create jobs and protect the environment — and the fact is, we agree,” said Rhonda Zygocki, vice president of Policy, Government and Public Affairs at Chevron...The new ads...don’t directly address Chevron’s environmental record, and multi-billion-dollar lawsuit that alleges that the company is responsible for oil pollution in Ecuador, reports The Wall Street Journal...Maria Ramos, campaign director for the Rainforest Action Network, the environmental group that organized recent protests against Chevron said...“Chevron’s rhetoric and the public image that they put forward is very different from how they’re actually operating.”