Reports call into question AIIB's transparency and accountability mechanism
Commentary: Is the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank a Responsible Investor?
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Commentary: Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank as Global Leader in Infrastructure Finance, at What Cost?
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank should extend its social and environmental framework to capital market operations, advocates argue
Pacific island nations turn to AIIB loans to minimise pandemic’s uncertain socio-economic impact
China: Chinese Contractors held consultation meeting with companies on revision of AIIB Environmental and Social Framework
AIIB plans to create new social infrastructure unit for healthcare and education projects
China: Experts urge AIIB to ensure full disclosure of environmental and social impact assessments
Moving beyond rhetoric: How the AIIB can close the loophole on fossil fuels
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Myanmar: AIIB reportedly backs coal-fuelled project through intermediary, despite green commitments
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Oxfam HK submission to AIIB Environmental and Social Framework Consultation
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AIIB Environmental and Social Framework
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Pressure mounts on AIIB for greater clarity on green lending
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Consultations on Draft Environmental and Social Framework of Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) extended to 23 October
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Intense scrutiny on AIIB should spur it to fulfil its social and environmental mission
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China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) interim chief says the bank will be "lean, clean & green"
Why human rights objections to China’s version of the World Bank ring false
利用可能言語: English -
U.S. Opposing China’s Answer to World Bank
利用可能言語: English