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Dellner's response to ETI Sweden report on human rights risks linked to tram production

As a company with a global footprint Dellner Couplers always strives to conduct business in the highest ethical manner. Our commitment to corporate responsibility and sustainable business practices is essential for managing the challenges and opportunities in the global rail industry.

For us is Human rights never negotiable, and we reject any form of forced or child labor. We are continuously working to improve our processes throughout our organization as well as our supply chain. Our Employee code of conduct and Supplier code of conduct integrates with the principles of the United Nations Global Compact and lays out the minimum level of ethical business. We expect a joint venture to apply same principles and requirements. We will carefully review the findings in the ETI report and take action where necessary.

For more details our codes can be found here: Code of conduct | Dellner Couplers AB
