Demand Corporate Accountability from Motorola/Motorola Israel
The US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation...launch[es] [the] newest corporate accountability campaign—“Hang Up on Motorola”. Under international law, all corporations have obligations to uphold, respect and protect fundamental human rights. Motorola Incorporated and its fully-owned subsidiary Motorola Israel profiteer from Israel’s illegal military occupation and human rights violations...[It] Motorola Israel...produces the 980 Low Altitude Proximity Fuse for the MK-80 series of high explosive bombs. On July 30, 2006, during its war on Lebanon, the Israeli Air Force dropped an MK-84 high-explosive bomb on an apartment building in Qana, Lebanon killing at least 28 civilians...The $100 million contract used to develop and supply the ‘Mountain Rose’ secure cell phone communication system to the Israeli military directly enhances the coordination and monitoring capabilities of the occupying forces in their illegal military operations in the Palestinian territories....