[DOC] Israel Water Authority Response
It is surprising that the Palestinian Authority utilizes water as a ‘political weapon’, given that the Water Agreement has provided the Palestinians with substantial amounts of water and a standard of living never experienced before...Indeed, had the Palestinians focused on implementing the Water Agreement, their situation would be significantly better than it is today...The amount of water that Israel is drawing from the mountain aquifer is currently much lower than the amounts drawn before 1967, whereas conversely the Palestinians are drawing far more than they did prior to 1967. Moreover, the amount of water consumed by the settlers in the West Bank is lower than the amount that Israel transfers into the West Bank...water availability in Palestinian West Bank cities significantly surpasses that of most of our Arab neighbours, who do not have access to same quantities and accessibility...Israel is helping the Palestinians in the fields of water and sewage, and holds professional courses for them on wastewater treatment, reclamation and desalination.