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Rede Brasil Atual,
European Interest

European Parliament resolution condemns Brazilian president's human rights policies and denounces increasing violence against defenders, Indigenous people, minorities and journalists

José Cruz/Agência Brasil

"European Parliament: Brazil must protect environmental and human rights defenders", 07 July 2022

...European Parliament adopted a resolution on the situation of indigenous and environmental defenders and the respect for human rights in Brazil, including the killing of Dom Phillips and Bruno Pereira.

MEPs strongly condemn the brutal murder of environmental and human rights defenders as well as indigenous people in Brazil, ...They call on the Brazilian authorities to conduct an exhaustive, impartial and independent investigation into these murders and to ensure that they fully comply with due process at all times.

The resolution also denounces the increasing violence, attacks and harassment against human rights and environmental defenders, indigenous peoples, minorities and journalists in the country. It pushes back against the continuous aggressive rhetoric, verbal attacks and intimidating statements by Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, while deploring the sexual and gender-based violence perpetrated against women, girls and environmental and indigenous defenders. MEPs recall that these constitute a serious violation of their human rights and dignity...