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RBCLAC team of the Office of the High Commissioner of the UN for Human Rights

Feedback requested for the 6th Regional Forum on Business and Human Rights in Latin America and the Caribbean

In view of the preparation of the VI Regional Forum on business and human rights for Latin America and the Caribbean in 2021 and the activities of the Responsible Business Conduct in Latin America and the Caribbean (RBCLAC) project, we would like to have your opinion regarding the V Regional Forum, 7-11 September 2020.

Link to online survey: here.

We take this opportunity to inform you that you can find the videos 43 sessions of the V Regional Forum on the website here and share the dates of the VI Regional Forum on Business and Human Rights in Latin America and the Caribbean : 5-7 October 2021.

The annual UN Forum on Business and Rights will take place this year virtually from 16-18 November 2020, having as its general focus "Prevention of business-related human rights abuses: the key to a sustainable future for people and the planet”. The discussion on progresses and challenges in Latin America and the Caribbean on this topic will take place on 18 November at 4pm Swiss time, in a session organized in collaboration with EU, ILO and OECD. For more information - here
