Full guidance: "IBA Practical Guide on Business and Human Rights for Business Lawyers"
The Practical Guide is intended to provide an accessible summary of a complex and nuanced subject by assisting internal and external lawyers who are involved in advising businesses globally through: • Explaining the background and core content of the UNGPs, which are also incorporated into other relevant human rights and responsible business practice standards and approaches, such as the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the IFC Performance Standards, ISO 26000 and supports the UN Global Compact responsible business principles…;• Exploring how the UNGPs may be relevant to the advice and other services they – both in-house and external lawyers – provide to business clients…;• Explaining the implications of the UNGPs for the clients’ right of access to, and representation by, independent legal counsel…;• Exploring the opportunities and challenges that the UNGPs present for lawyers who advise businesses, including both internal and external legal counsel.