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Ben Sokhean, Cambodia Daily

Garment Workers Protest at South Korean Embassy


About 600 employees of a South Korean-owned garment factory rallied in front of the country’s Phnom Penh embassy…calling on Seoul to intervene in their dispute with factory management. The protesters were among 1,200 workers at the Cambo Kotop garment factory in Phnom Penh’s Pur Senchey district who have been on strike since December 16 to demand the reinstatement of five union representatives who were fired that day. The Collective Union of Movement of Workers (CUMW), the union behind the protest, says the five representatives were dismissed because they were planning to lead a strike at the factory, which employs a total of 2,500 people…[Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited Cambo Kotop to respond; it did not do so.]