Workers on Georgia’s east-west motorway go on strike
Date Reported: 2018年5月2日
場所: グルジア
China National Water Resources & Hydropower Engineering (Sinohydro) - Employer , European Investment Bank (EIB) - Sponsorプロジェクト
Upper Osiauri–Chumaleti section, East-West E60 highway - Site関連
Total individuals affected: 80
労働者: ( Number unknown - グルジア , 道路建設 , Gender not reported )課題
抗議活動 , Occupational Health & Safety , Wage Theft , Work & Conditions回答
Response sought: Yes, by Business and Human Rights Resource Centre
Story containing response: (Find out more)
情報源のタイプ: News outlet
02 May 2018
Around 80 labourers working on upgrading Georgia’s main east-west motorway have been on strike since last Sunday, demanding improvements to their working conditions. Workers on the Upper Osiauri–Chumaleti section of the road, near Khashuri, are awaiting a response to their demands from construction company SinoHydro.
According to a statement on Monday from rights group the Human Rights Education and Monitoring Center (EMC), ‘most of the workers do not have a copy of their own contract’, are deprived of paid overtime or sick leave, and work 70–77 hours a week.
The Georgian Trade Union Confederation (GTUC) are representing local workers in negotiations with the company. According to GTUC Deputy Head Lavrenti Alania (who also chairs the Georgian Transport and Roads Workers Union), labourers have no contracts and no days-offs...
Lezhava said that wages remain the hardest part of the negotiations, including workers’ demands for overtime payments, one day off per week, and a right to collective bargaining...