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Gleba Campina/Vilela community

Gleba Campinas/Comunidade Vilela
ターゲット: Group, Organisation or Institution
事件の発生場所: ブラジル


On 24 August 2021, a criminal fire destroyed 90 tons of rice, houses, storerooms and crops that were ready for harvest in the Vilela community of Gleba Campina, in Junco do Maranhão (MA). The produce belonged to the peasants of the village. For about 17 years, more than 66 families have occupied the area of 2,250 hectares of land in Gleba Campina, where they develop family farming activities, especially planting corn, beans, cassava, rice and raising animals. In 2010, organized through an association, the families applied to the Institute for Colonization and Land of Maranhão (Iterma) for land title regularization in the area and, based on the request, they denounced persecution by a farmer from the south of the country, Nestor Osvaldo Finger, who claims to be the owner of these lands. In addition to constant threats, including with firearms, there are recurring orders for criminal arsons against houses and plantations. On August 19, 2020, the Pastoral Land Commission (CPT) denounced the murder of the worker Raimundo Nonato Batista Costa, 56 years old, found in a shallow grave with gunshot marks. "The climate is extremely tense in the locality, with severe risk of resurgence of violence. We are concerned about the history of violence against the families, as well as the reigning impunity with regard to the conflict, given that, despite dozens of police records in the cities, the measures taken to end the conflict have been insufficient and ineffective to curb the conflict," concluded the August 2020 report. In 18 June 2021, two other rural workers of the Vilela community, Maria da Luz Benício de França and Reginaldo Benício de França were also killed.