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Google removes Hong Kong protester game for violation of app store policies

Google removed “The Revolution of Our Times”, a mobile game that lets people role play as a Hong Kong protester, claiming that the game violated Google Play’s policies. "We have a longstanding policy prohibiting developers from capitalising on sensitive events such as attempting to make money from serious ongoing conflicts or tragedies through a game," Google said.

Google’s decision has led to a company-wide debate among its employees. Employees who support the protesters have reportedly posted messages of solidarity to an internal message board. Employees are also said to have raised the idea that “companies like Google are morally obligated to support pro-democracy movements”. However, some employees are of the view that there discussions are inappropriate for work.

Google has changed its company guidelines to discourage political discussions at work. The guidelines read “Our primary responsibility is to do the work we've each been hired to do, not to spend working time on debates about non-work topics."