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Judith Evans, Financial Times

Grenfell report paves way for future prosecutions


Findings by the Grenfell fire inquiry pave the way for individual or corporate prosecutions over the 2017 disaster, say legal experts...

UK courts can impose unlimited fines for corporate manslaughter...

Among core participants in the inquiry are several companies involved in the 2016 refurbishment...

Arconic said: “We continue to offer our full support to the authorities as the inquiry works through the complex questions presented. We believe that any conclusion at this point in the inquiry process . . . would be premature.

“Arconic Architectural Products SAS sold its product as one component of the overall cladding system with the expectation that it would be used in compliance with the various local building codes and regulations.”

Celotex also noted that the role of the cladding, the choice of materials and “the way in which they were installed and maintained on Grenfell Tower” would be considered in phase 2.

“We are continuing to co-operate fully with the public inquiry, and remain committed to providing all relevant information to assist it in its work,” the company said.
