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Rebecca Bucherer, International Network of Human Rights (INHR)

IGWG on TNCs and other businesses: Day 5, Item 5, afternoon: Unanimous adoption of the report | RIDH's blog

On 10.07.15, the open-ended intergovernmental working group…began its last meeting this afternoon with Item 5: Adoption of the report. The report…includes statements of panelists, member states, relevant stakeholders and non-governmental organizations…[T]he recommendations and conclusion of the report were unanimously adopted by all the present member states…[M]ember states had the opportunity to add some concluding remarks…Many countries stated their concern and disappointment in regard to the absence of the European Union and western countries from today's meeting and the entire first session. Non-governmental organizations which took the floor thereafter, expressed their gratitude for the first session of this open-ended intergovernmental working group and echoed the concern stated by member state in regard to the absence of important countries…Everyone will…have 15 days to add suggestions and recommendations to the report before it will be introduced in the framework of the 30th regular session of the Human Rights Council, held from 14th of September until the 2nd of October 2015…The next session of the open-ended intergovernmental working group…will take place in 2016…
