...[T]he Government...barred Greenpeace India from receiving foreign funds with immediate effect by suspending its licence for six months and froze all its accounts, alleging it has "prejudicially" affected the country's public and economic interests...The environmental activist group was also served a notice by the government which asked why its registration should not be cancelled permanently...Reacting to the move, Greenpeace India said it will not be "cowed" down by a "campaign against dissent" and is seeking legal counsel in the matter.
India: Civil society protest Greenpeace shutdown, seek transparency & clarity on Foreign Contribution Regulatory Act
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India: An open letter to India's Prime Minister on communities' right to consent & civil society's right to dissent
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Greenpeace says it may shut India operations in a month
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Greenpeace India claims countrywide support against government crackdown
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Official govt. communication
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Greenpeace India to appeal against licence suspension in court
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Greenpeace, Dissent and Freedom of Expression in India
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Greenpeace trying to hurt Indian tea industry: Narendra Modi led government
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Greenpeace says PM Narendra Modi government on harassment campaign
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Greenpeace bank accounts frozen by Indian government
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Seven absurd reasons the Home Ministry listed to block Greenpeace’s foreign funding
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Greenpeace’s plan to stall power plants fuels MHA action to suspend NGO's foreign funding
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By dismissing activists as anti-national, India is advancing interests of Big Business
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Greenpeace drafts petition for democracy in India
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India: Government blocks Greenpeace India's foreign fundings, suspends NGO's licence for 6 months
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India: Delhi High Court quashes look out circular against Greenpeace campaigner Priya Pillai
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India: Alleging detrimental to industrial development, govt bans 69 NGOs from receiving foreign funds
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India: Greenpeace activist stopped from traveling to UK due to NGO's involvement in anti-national activities, says govt. officials
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