Iraq to Deny New License To Blackwater Security Firm
The Iraqi government has informed the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad that it will not issue a new operating license to Blackwater...the embassy's primary security company, which has come under scrutiny for allegedly using excessive force while protecting American diplomats…Blackwater spokeswoman Anne Tyrrell said she was not aware of the Iraqi government's decision…The ministry revoked Blackwater's license in September 2007 and threatened to expel the company's employees, but U.S. officials ignored the order and renewed the company's contract the following April. Iraqi officials said Wednesday they decided not to issue the company a new license largely because of the Nisoor Square shooting...Blackwater employees were also accused of shooting Iraqi guards working for a television station in the spring of 2007. And on Dec. 24, 2006, a drunk Blackwater guard fatally shot a guard employed by Iraqi Vice President Adel Abdul Mahdi.