Nevsun Resources enters into a settlement in a lawsuit in Canada alleging torture & slavery at its subsidiary's Eritrean mine
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Erythrée: Une procédure judiciaire engagée contre l'entreprise minière Nevsun abandonnée suite à un accord avec les plaignants
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Canadá: Repercusiones de la sentencia del caso Nevsun en la rendición de cuentas de las empresas por abusos de derechos humanos
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Commentary: Canadian Court ruling opens the way for lawsuits against companies for human rights abuses committed abroad
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Commentary: Canadian Supreme Court's Nevsun ruling coincides with other intl. developments to address corporate legal accountability of multinationals for human rights abuses
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Les poursuites de Nevsun au Canada pour allégations de travail forcé en Erythrée, une avancée selon un expert des minières canadiennes en Afrique
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Canadian Supreme Court Allows Corporate Liability for International Law Violations
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Judgment from the Supreme Court of Canada in Nevsun Resources v. Araya
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Canadian Supreme Court rules Canadian courts can hear case against Nevsun Resources for human rights abuses allegedly committed in Eritrea
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Nevsun Resources Ltd. v. Araya - Supreme Court Judgment
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Travail forcé en Érythrée : une minière canadienne pourra être poursuivie au Canada
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Canadian courts wrestle with questions of cross-border accountability for human rights abuses
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Top court weighs precedent-setting case of human rights breaches at Canadian mine in Eritrea
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Commentary: MiningWatch Canada asserts case against Nevsun Resources for allegations of forced labour in Eritrea should be heard in Canadian courts
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La Cour Suprême du Canada examine sa compétence pour juger les allégations de travail forcé de Nevsun Resources en Erythrée
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Webcast of the Hearing on 2019-01-23 - Nevsun Resources Ltd. v. Gize Yebeyo Araya, et al.
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Canada's Supreme Court papers reveal Nevsun's internal communication on use of forced labour at their Eritrean mine
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Canada's Supreme Court decision in Nevsun case over complicity in alleged forced labour in Eritrea could eliminate barriers to access to justice, says academic
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Canada Supreme Court to hear case against Nevsun Resources over alleged forced labour & torture at Eritrea mine in January
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Will Nevsun Mining be Punished for Slavery Abroad?
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Nevsun granted leave to appeal decision that allowed lawsuit alleging forced labour & torture at Bisha mine in Eritrea to proceed in Canada
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Supreme Court decision on Vancouver mining company could have international human rights impact, expert says
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Nevsun appeals to Canada Supreme Court in Eritreans' forced labor lawsuit
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La BNS investit dans une firme mêlée à un scandale de travailleurs forcés
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Commentary: Recent decisions show willingness of Canadian courts to hold companies liable for overseas abuses of intl. human rights norms
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Commentary: Canadian court decision allowing alleged modern slavery case in Eritrean mine against Nevsun to go forward can have implications across industries
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Dozens of Eritreans join lawsuit in Canada against Nevsun for forced labour in Bisha mine
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Lawsuit Against Nevsun Resources for Forced Labor and Torture can Proceed to Trial
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La Cour suprême de la Colombie-Britannique ouvre la voie à un procès civil pour esclavage moderne contre une entreprise minière canadienne
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Araya v. Nevsun Resources. Reasons for Judgment
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Vancouver court clears way for slave labour lawsuit against Canadian mining company to go to trial
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Des étrangers pourront poursuivre une minière canadienne active en Afrique
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Court allows Eritrean mine workers to sue Nevsun
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Canadian courts review series of claims filed against Canadian mining companies for human rights abuses abroad
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Report alleges Nevsun Resources uses conscripted labour at its Eritrean mine; includes company's comments
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Nevsun releases new report on Eritrean operations, refuting forced labour findings in June 2015 UN report
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UN Report Alleges Forced Labor at Canadian-Owned Mine in Eritrea
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Report of the detailed findings of the Commission of Inquiry on Human Rights in Eritrea
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Canada could become “forum of choice” to bring intl. human rights lawsuits against companies, says lawyer
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UK legislators criticise mining companies for colluding with Eritrean Govt. over use of forced labour in extractive industry
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Allegations of forced labour at Eritrean mine are ''unfounded", says Canadian mining firm Nevsun
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Canadian courts increasingly used in litigation to hold companies accountable for human rights abuse abroad, says law firm
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Access to justice for victims of human rights abuses needs to be strengthened
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[audio] Interview of lawyer representing plaintiffs in lawsuit against Nevsun over alleged forced labour at Eritrean mine
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New case profile on Canadian lawsuit against Nevsun re alleged complicity in forced labour in Eritrea
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Une minière canadienne nie des allégations de travail forcé en Érythrée
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Nevsun Denies Accusations of Human-Rights Abuses at Eritrea Mine
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Nevsun Comments on B.C. Lawsuit
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Des Érythréens intentent un recours contre une compagnie minière canadienne pour l'usage de main d'œuvre servile ainsi que pour des crimes contre l'humanité
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Siskinds co-counsel in lawsuit against Nevsun Resources
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Eritreans file lawsuit against Canadian mining company for slave labour and crimes against humanity
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Nevsun Resources faces lawsuit over ‘forced labour’ in Eritrea
利用可能言語: English