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Niala Mohammad, Yusuf Jameel, VOA

Kashmir internet shutdown takes toll on economy


The internet shutdown... in Jammu and Kashmir... has been the longest lockdown in a democracy... Access Now, a global digital rights group... [said] "loss of connectivity in the valley" because of the shutdown has been "devastating to the local economy."... Experts say the action against Kashmir has led to losses in tourism, health care, education and in the communications industries.  "The state economy has lost more $1.5 billion due to [the] lockdown. Several companies, whose operations were internet-dependent, have been closed," Swain [a professor of peace and conflict studies at Uppsala University]... said... The internet lockdown "has affected education, health service and even regular movement of the people, creating a severe humanitarian crisis. Business, particularly fruit trade and tourism, have [been] affected severely," he added. 

The government defended its decision... Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, "The Kashmir decision will bring positive changes in the lives of the common man. It would mean the protection of Indian laws, industrialization, a boost in tourism and, therefore, more employment opportunities.”... Sheikh Ashiq... president of the Kashmir Chamber of Commerce and Industry... [said] that there has been a rapid rise in unemployment and a significant drop in Kashmir’s cottage industry... "Our handicraft sector, that is solely based on the internet, is at a standstill. As a result, 50,000 artisans are jobless,” Ashiq said, adding that the export of its heritage industry handicrafts had declined by 62%. 
