Key takeaways from written submissions received from the open consultation on the draft B-Tech Scoping Paper
Following a multi-stakeholder consultation in Tunis in June 2019 in which UN Human Rights outlined a draft scoping paper for the B-Tech Project, UN Human Rights issued an open call for submissions on the draft paper and the proposed focus areas for the Project... [K]ey themes and takeaways [from the open consultation process]:
- Making Focus Area 4 on State Duties cross-cutting: A common theme was the important role of the State...
- Definitional clarity and mapping technology companies beyond “big tech”... [A] great deal of that work area will need to grapple with the respective role of different actors within tech and opportunities for companies to establish and use leverage to address human rights risks...
- Engaging with how different incentives function in practice, and not ignoring that investors have a responsibility to respect human rights: Many of the submissions emphasized that B-Tech should recognize that the challenges of responsible business conduct in tech sit within a large political economy and “logic”...
- Looking at both State-based and non-State-based grievance mechanisms in the case of adverse human rights impacts from digital technologies...
- Critical technology-related labour rights concerns...