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Mining See

Montenegro: Locals oppose opening of Brskovo mine over possible environmental harm

全てのタグを見る 申立

Swiss fusions Tara Resources zinc lead mine development in Montenegro, local community opposition and environmental concerns, 01 July 2023

The intention of the Swiss company Tara Resources to open the Brskovo mine near Mojkovac...was negatively reacted by ecologists and citizens of the area.

The announcement of the opening of the lead and zinc mine was met "with a knife", primarily because of the investors' intention to deposit the mine's waste materials in new tailings dump...

The planned two tailings pits of the new mine are almost five times larger in area than the previous one, which was an ecological black spot in Montenegro for decades...

And while the investor is talking about the millions that mining could bring, the locals are afraid of new environmental pollution...

"We do not see a single positive effect of this project, but only devastation, pollution and contamination of the environment. And stopping the development of Mojkovac in the direction of a tourist town," Gordana Dukanovic from the citizens' initiative Zdravi Nojkovac, which, he says, is organized with the intention of "opening the eyes" of the insitutions that decide on the opening of mines...