Mozambique: Civil Society releases letter sent to banks to stop funding the controversial liquefied gas project
A coalition of 126 Mozambican and international civil society organizations sent a letter last December to 31 financial institutions involved in the Mozambique LNG project. The letter includes critical new information on the risks associated with the project and outlines key demands.
A group of more than 100 NGOs have called on private banks and public lending institutions to stop financing a liquefied natural gas (LNG) facility under construction by French fossil fuel giant TotalEnergies in Mozambique. The coalition specifically asks the financial institutions to support the call for an urgent independent international investigation into an alleged massacre of civilians, reportedly committed near TotalEnergies' Afungi premises between July and September 2021 by public security forces claiming to be in charge of protecting the gas site. None of the financial institutions committed to stop financing the gas project or expressed support for an independent investigation. The sources include comments from TotalEnergies and the financial institutions.