Myanmar: Garment workers denied water or toilet breaks if targets are not met
Date Reported: 2024年5月6日
場所: ミャンマー
New Yorker - Buyer , Myanto Industrial - Supplier , October - Buyer関連
Total individuals affected: 500
労働者: ( 500 - Location unknown , 衣料及び繊維 , Gender not reported )課題
Occupational Health & Safety , Excessive production targets回答
Response sought: Yes, by BHRRC
Story containing response: (Find out more)
取られた措置: Myanto Industrial allegedly supplies to New Yorker and October; neither brand provided a response to a request for comment from the Resource Centre.
情報源のタイプ: News outlet
"Demanding [high targets] forced to sew, If the clothes do not meet the [targets] they will not be allowed to drink water", 6 May 2024
At MYANTO INDUSTRIAL Garment Factory, more than 500 workers are sewing AMISU brand clothes, and the workers are being forced to sew more than the number of clothes that the workers can sew...
It is reported that neither the labor union nor the workplace coordination committee has been established for the labor dispute resolution mechanism in the workplace...
"...If the [targets] are not met, they are not allowed to drink water and go to the toilet. If they bring water to the machine line...they...complain about the rules [regarding] not taking water bottles," the worker said.
In addition, the worker said that the supervisors in the workplace were forced to curse if [workers do] not meet the set [targets].
"...The water is not clean. It has rust and smell. It is not comfortable to drink. The restrooms are also not clean...I want [the factory] to arrange clean water for drinking water. The weather is very hot and the water is very thirsty," said the worker.
said is not easy to get [leave], and only supervisors and [those they are] close pt] get it, and even if they do...
[Translation via Google Translate]