Myanmar: Over 1000 workers at Sen Yu factory strike calling on factory to accept collective demands re. working conditions
Date Reported: 2023年10月25日
場所: ミャンマー
LPP Spółka Akcyjna - Reported buyer , Sinsay (part of LPP S.A.) - Reported buyer , Sen Yu/Zhejian Newway (Myanmar) - Supplier , Terranova - Buyer , LC Waikiki - Former buyer , New Yorker - Buyer関連
Total individuals affected: 1000
労働者: ( 1000 - Location unknown , 衣料及び繊維 , Gender not reported )課題
Denial of leave , Occupational Health & Safety , Excessive production targets , Wage Theft回答
Response sought: Yes, by BHRRC
Story containing response: (Find out more)
取られた措置: Sen Yu allegedly supplies to LPP S.A (for its Sinsay brand) and Terranova, LPP S.A provided a response to a request for comment by the Resource Centre, stating that it does not source from the factory. Terranova did not respond. In September 2024, LC Waiki provided a response to a request for comment by the Resource Centre, stating that its last orders were completed between May-July 2024. New Yorker did not respond.
情報源のタイプ: News outlet
"More than 1,000 workers filed a collective demand to fire the HR manager who demanded 60 to 100 cloths per hour.", 25 October 2023
More than 1,000 workers in the SEN YU garment factory are making a collective demand. The HR manager is demanding [higher targets] than the workers can [meet],...tell[s] them to leave if they can’t accomplish the tasks they [were] assigned[,] and [they] would not get paid [their] bonus if they don’t meet the [targets]...the workers want the HR manger to be fired.
It is reported that the factory is owned by a Chinese national and located [at] Bamaw Secretary Road, Middle Village, Hlaing Thar Yar Township, Yangon Region. It is also said that the factory is manufacturing international brands such as TERRANOVA...
"...they are protesting because they are unsatisfied with the HR manager. They are not getting paid the wages they deserve. The HR said that the workers will be given [their wages] only if they meet the hourly target...The workers are unable to reach it. It's different from one line to another...," said a worker.
“A meeting was called yesterday. The office will handle about the grade bonus of the seamstresses. Grade bonus will only be given when their demand is reached. The HR manager told [the workers] with a microphone that we will not be given [our wages from] the second we and we can leave if we don’t want to work. The HR also summon[ed] the [supervisors in a meeting and told [them] that they will be given the grade bonus as before but the seamstresses’ [grade bonus] will be handled by them. So, it is [certain] that the super[visors] are going to pressure us. We would not get paid for that month. And they ask impossible targets....So that['s] [why] we stop working. Yesterday we [left] the workplace at 4:30 without working overtime...,” explained a worker.
“As we [have now] filed a collective is said that the HR [manager will] be suspended but [it is] not exactly known for how many days. The demand we asked was [for the HR manager] to [be] fired. It is also said that there would be a negotiation with the all super[visors] and [factory] representatives. We [have] said our demands. Their response doesn’t match with us. We are complaining because of the impossible [targets] and [because they are] telling us to leave if we don’t want to work,” added the worker.
The workers said that they ask for the firing of the HR, the raising of the professional fee according to the grades, not reducing grade [bonus] and cutting attendance bonus for taking legal leaves, the annuity [bonus] according to the years of service, 5 hours gate pass per week...WCC which the workers [can] elect, not to cut the daily wages for the collective demanding days, medic[al] clinic and medicines and taking responsibility for workplace injury and not to fire the workers who participated in the collective demanding.