Myanmar: Over 1000 workers yet to receive compensation nine months after factory fire, union alleges
Date Reported: 2021年12月24日
場所: ミャンマー
Fast Retailing - Buyer , Solamoda Garment Group - Supplier関連
Total individuals affected: 1200
労働者: ( 1200 - Location unknown , 衣料及び繊維 , Gender not reported )課題
Wage Theft回答
Response sought: Yes, by BHRRC
Story containing response: (Find out more)
取られた措置: Solamoda allegedly supplies to Fast Retailing; Fast Retailing provided a response to a request for comment from the Resource Centre.
情報源のタイプ: Social Media
More than 1,200 workers from Myanmar Sunview Company’s Solamoda Garment Factory (2) in agony since they have been unable to return to work or have received no remuneration in any form despite the fact that it has been nine months after the factory was set ablaze
On 14 March 2021, a fire broke out Solamoda Garment Factory (2) in Shwepyitha township owned by Myanmar Sunview Garments Company Limited for no apparent reason. Over 1,200 blue collar workers are suffering as they have received no assurances regarding when they will be readmitted to work or any compensation they should have received in the first place...The factory owner has already acquired the insurance payout, yet the torched factory has not been refurbished or regulated and the owner shirks its responsibility by neglecting to recompense the workers.
They're now attempting to rehabilitate the plant. Nevertheless, the indemnity of more than 1200 workers, as well as a pledge that they will be rehired in the factory, are still being withheld. The factory workers and Solidarity Trade Union of Myanmar (STUM...are spearheading negotiations to ensure that workers' rights are fully protected in this matter. The industrial owners are not participating in the talks to resolve the problem and thus, the meetings are only attended by their two managers...
To ensure the safety of workers fighting for their rights and to keep up the pressure of the movement in check, we urge you to pay attention to our spokespersons' declarations and statements, and if something seems to be off, we encourage you to corroborate the facts by contacting those representatives.