Natural Cycles responds to survey on data human rights due diligence
"Protecting user data has always been a top priority for Natural Cycles and as sensitive data became more sensitive with the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision, we took immediate action to make sure user data is safe with us. The actions we took included:
- Committing and making users aware of strong protections already in place (i.e. never selling user data, etc.)
- Working with third party security researchers - such as the Mozilla Foundation - to assess Natural Cycles’ privacy policies.
- Building an anonymous experience for users with the goal of making it so no one - not even us at Natural Cycles - can link sensitive data to an identity.
- Working with legal counsel to monitor and adapt privacy policies in this changing environment (including to account for new data privacy laws that may come into play). ..."
... "Natural Cycles is committed to protecting user data from any group or party that the user has not given explicit consent to share with - that includes the government. We have never received a government request for such information and are currently exploring with legal counsel on how to best respond with the goal of protecting our user’s data."