Nike faces new worker abuse claims [Indonesia]
Workers making Converse sneakers in Indonesia say supervisors throw shoes at them, slap them in the face and call them dogs and pigs. Nike…acknowledges that such abuse has occurred…but says there was little it could do to stop it…Nike says nearly two-thirds of the factories that make Converse products fail to meet its standards for contract manufacturers but insists it cannot address many of those problems because many factories operate under contracts that were set before Nike bought Converse in 2003.That does not appear to explain abuses that workers allege at the Pou Chen Group factory…it didn't start making Converse products until four years after Nike bought Converse...The company's own inquiries…found workers at the two factories were subjected to "serious and egregious" physical and verbal abuse, including the punishment of forcing workers to stand in the sun…[also refers to PT Amara Footwear factory]