Kičevo–Ohrid Highway
Date Reported: 2022年1月16日
場所: 北マケドニア
Granit Construction Stock Co. - Client , Ilinden Struga - Client , Victoria Invest LLC - Client , China Exim - Sponsor , China National Water Resources & Hydropower Engineering (Sinohydro) - Clientプロジェクト
Kičevo–Ohrid Highway - Site関連
Total individuals affected: Number unknown
Public: ( Number unknown - 北マケドニア , 道路建設 , Gender not reported ) , 労働者: ( Number unknown - 北マケドニア , 道路建設 , Gender not reported ) , Ecosystem: ( Number unknown - 北マケドニア , 道路建設 , Gender not reported )課題
Impact on notable or protected areas , Work & Conditions , 情報へのアクセス , Corruption , 共犯関係回答
Response sought: Yes, by Business and Human Rights Resource Centre
Story containing response: (Find out more)
情報源のタイプ: NGO
16 January 2022
The 57-kilometre Kičevo–Ohrid Highway is the largest and most expensive infrastructure project in post-independence North Macedonia. Deemed to be of strategic economic importance by the North Macedonian authorities, the development is also highly controversial. Funded through a loan from the Export–Import Bank of China (China Eximbank) and with Sinohydro as its principal contractor, the project has been targeted by corruption investigations and marred by governance and transparency issues, as well as environmental concerns. Technical difficulties have led to successive delays and cost overruns, with the latest price tag close to 600 million EUR. Construction started in 2014 and is expected to be completed in 2023...