Not responsible for killing at Guatemalan mine, HudBay says
As the widow of a slain Mayan community leader looked on, lawyers clashed in a Toronto courtroom…over whether…HudBay Minerals Inc., can be held liable for alleged violence at a Guatemalan mine owned by a subsidiary. Lawyers for HudBay…say allowing it to proceed would “wreak havoc” with the well-established corporate law principle that parent companies are not liable for the actions of their subsidiaries…Lawyers for the plaintiffs, and Amnesty International Canada, which intervened in the case,…argued that HudBay itself can be held liable for alleged negligence in the case, alleging the company’s executives made key decisions “on the ground” for its subsidiary about its security guards, relations with nearby indigenous people, and the “forced evictions” of Mayan protesters who claim the mine’s land as their own. The judge…reserved her decision.