Out of job, Nepali delivery riders in UAE await help
Date Reported: 2023年3月14日
場所: アラブ首長国連邦
Delivery Hero - Client , Link International Placement Service - Recruiter , Baba Human Resources Management - Recruiter , Uplift Delivery - Employer , Talabat (part of Delivery Hero) - Client関連
Total individuals affected: 6
移住者・移民労働者: ( 6 - ネパール , エクスプレス配送 , Men , Unknown migration status )課題
採用費 , 威嚇及び脅迫 , Poverty Wages , 身分証明書の取り上げ , Access to Non-Judicial Remedy , Contract Substitution , Dismissal回答
Response sought: Yes, by Media; Resource Centre
Story containing response: (Find out more)
External link to response: (Find out more)
取られた措置: Recruitment agency Baba Human Resource Management provided comments for the article. Link International Placement Services & Uplift Delivery Services did not respond Delivery app Talabat and its parent company Delivery Hero provided a joint response.
情報源のタイプ: News outlet
The six individuals went to the UAE, one of Nepal’s major labour destinations, around a year ago.
According to the workers, they paid Rs250,000 to Rs315,000 each their recruitment agencies to get the job.
The amount is 30 times what the existing provision allows a recruitment agency to charge Nepali workers...
The migrants say they paid the amount hoping to make around Rs100,000 a month in the UAE. “We were promised a monthly salary of AED 3,000 (around Rs107,000), but we remained jobless for months,” they say...
“We remained jobless for six months after arriving in the UAE,” said Dhimal, who is from Urlabari in Morang district. “It took us some time to realise that the jobs we had been hired for were only commission based ones.”...
The workers say they have not been in possession of their passports after they underwent medical check ups soon after landing in the UAE.
Dhimal and other workers did work for a couple of months after getting their licences, but the income was not even enough to cover their food and housing expenses.
Besides, they also had to pay for fuel…
… they worked for the delivery app Talabat to deliver food from restaurants, before it fired them for not having insurance...
Sambhu Gautam, manager at Baba Human Resource Management, denied all the accusations...
The workers want to be rescued, but the representatives of the manpower agency have demanded at least AED 4,000 from each of them to get their passports back, they say.