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Papua New Guinea: Prime Minister calls on communities to end violence as Govt. works to reopen Porgera mine

"James Marape appeals to Porgera goldmine communities to 'stop the killings'", 24 July 2023

The Papua New Guinea government is calling for local communities in Porgera, Enga Province, to end the violence as it works to reopen the Porgera Gold Mine by September.


Prime Minister James Marape made a direct appeal to the people of Porgera and the surrounding communities to stop fighting and do away with the guns and tap into spin off benefits from the mine.

"Let your children live in peace and get the benefits from the mine and stop the killings," he said.


"We want to hear from you. We want to know what you want and how we can share the benefits from our 51 percent stake in the New Porgera Mine," Marapa said.

