Part of the following timelines
Business & Human Rights Resource Centre launches new portal on "Business, Conflict & Peace"
ExxonMobil lawsuit (re Aceh)
US judge rules that ExxonMobil case about allegations of complicity in violence in Indonesia can go to trial after 21 years
利用可能言語: English -
US judge orders ExxonMobil to pay nearly $290,000 to plaintiff’s lawyer following botched deposition in lawsuit over company's alleged involvement in human rights abuses in Aceh, Indonesia
利用可能言語: English -
Trial in US lawsuit against ExxonMobil over alleged complicity in torture & beatings by military in Indonesia could start after 20 years
利用可能言語: English -
Exxon Human Rights Case Survives — on Claim that Execs Knew All Along
利用可能言語: English -
Access to justice for victims of human rights abuses needs to be strengthened
利用可能言語: English -
ExxonMobil Indonesian Villagers Human Rights Abuse Cases to Proceed in Federal Court
利用可能言語: English -
In Exxon suit, judge leaves opening for villagers
利用可能言語: English -
US federal appeals courts issue conflicting decisions regarding extraterritoriality in Alien Tort lawsuits against CACI & Chiquita
利用可能言語: English -
[PDF] Out of Bounds - Accountability for Corporate Human Rights Abuse After Kiobel
利用可能言語: English -
Case profile: ExxonMobil lawsuit (re Aceh)
利用可能言語: English -
Corporate liability for violating international law under The Alien Tort Statute: The corporation through the lens of globalization and privatization
利用可能言語: English -
The Supreme Court: Corporate America's Employees of the Month
利用可能言語: English -
Human rights violations can be costly for business
利用可能言語: English -
[PDF] Corporate Legal Accountability Quarterly Bulletin – Issue 9, June 2013
利用可能言語: English -
Companies Shielded as U.S. Court Cuts Human-Rights Suits
利用可能言語: English -
Did ExxonMobil Pay Torturers?
利用可能言語: English -
[PDF] Kiobel and Corporate Social Responsibility: An Issues Brief
利用可能言語: English -
In Kiobel filings, human rights group queries AG Holder conflicts
利用可能言語: English -
[PDF] Submission on Oil & Gas sector discussion paper
利用可能言語: English -
ExxonMobil CEO ignores Ground Zero of Energy Security
利用可能言語: English -
Another Supreme Court boost for corporate unaccountability?
利用可能言語: English -
Corporate liability under Alien Tort Statute: Don't elevate form over substance
利用可能言語: English -
[PDF] The Alien Tort Claims Act and Trans-Boundary Corporate Environmental Abuse: A Case Study of the Gulf Oil Spill
利用可能言語: English -
Exxon Wants Rehearing In Corporate Liability Dispute [USA]
利用可能言語: English -
Supreme Court May Consider Whether Companies Can Be Sued Over Human Rights [USA]
利用可能言語: English -
UPDATE: ExxonMobil Selling Gas Assets At Center Of Indonesia Human-Rights Lawsuit
利用可能言語: English -
The Global Lawyer: Corporate Alien Tort Rouses from Its Deathbed
利用可能言語: English -
Appeals Court Revives Torture Claims Against Exxon [USA]
利用可能言語: English -
Exxon Seeks Dismissal of Alien Tort Case Originating in Indonesia
利用可能言語: English -
US Appeals Court Weighs Consequences of Indonesians' Lawsuit Against Exxon
利用可能言語: English -
Shortening the Long Arm of the Law [USA]
利用可能言語: English -
ERI Files Brief Supporting Indonesian Victims' Case Against ExxonMobil
利用可能言語: English -
[PDF] Think globally, sue locally: Out-of-court tactics employed by plaintiffs, their lawyers, and their advocates in transnational tort cases
利用可能言語: English -
[PDF] Launch of online portal on “Business, Conflict & Peace”
利用可能言語: English -
[PDF] Universal Periodic Review – United States of America Submission to the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
利用可能言語: English -
[PDF] Human Rights Due Diligence: Is It Too Risky? [scroll to p. 6]
利用可能言語: English -
Judge Dismisses Indonesians' Lawsuit Against Exxon
利用可能言語: English -
[PDF] John Doe VIII v. Exxon Mobil Corporation - Memorandum Opinion
利用可能言語: English -
ExxonMobil seeks to toss Indonesia suit
利用可能言語: English -
Exxon Asks Judge to Dismiss Suit by Indonesian Villagers
利用可能言語: English -
Human rights abuses: How complicit are oil companies?
利用可能言語: English -
Shell settles human rights suit for $15.5M
利用可能言語: English -
Lawsuits target oil company operations overseas
利用可能言語: English -
The U.S. Can't Be the World's Court - New York isn't the right venue to sue for apartheid abuses.
利用可能言語: English -
Five Tips to Avoid the Human Rights Litigation Trap
利用可能言語: English -
[PDF] Business & Human Rights Resource Centre launches world’s first online portal profiling human rights lawsuits against companies
利用可能言語: English -
Exxon Human Rights abuse in Aceh
利用可能言語: English -
Judge Rejects Summary Judgment in Human Rights Lawsuit Against Exxon
利用可能言語: English -
Exxon en procès pour torture
利用可能言語: français -
[PDF] John Doe I, et al. v. Exxon Mobil Corporation, et al. - Memorandum & Opinion
利用可能言語: English -
Human Rights Violations Suit Against Exxon Will Be Heard
利用可能言語: English -
Exxon Loses Bid to Shield Information From Federal Court Records
利用可能言語: English -
[PDF] John Doe, et al. v. Exxon Mobil Corporation, et al. - Memorandum Opinion
利用可能言語: English -
Exxon deberá responder a acusaciones de violación de DDHH
利用可能言語: español -
[US] Court rejects Exxon appeal in human rights case
利用可能言語: English -
Droits de l'Homme : Exxon accusé
利用可能言語: français -
To Avoid Risk of Alien Tort Claims Act Cases, Companies Must Improve Human Rights
利用可能言語: English -
Alabama Company Is Exonerated in Murders at Colombian Mine
利用可能言語: English -
Exxon faces lawsuit on killings in Indonesia [USA]
利用可能言語: English -
Oil Companies Revamp Ethical Plans as Legal Risk Grows
利用可能言語: English -
Why all companies should address human rights (and how the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre can help)
利用可能言語: English -
BP, Suncor, and Shell Top Oil Sector Sustainability Rating; Chevron and ExxonMobil Rank Low
利用可能言語: English -
[PDF] Brief on Corporations and Human Rights in the Asia-Pacific Region - Prepared for Professor John Ruggie, United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary General for Business and Human Rights
利用可能言語: English -
full report: "Too High a Price: The Human Rights Cost of the Indonesian Military’s Economic Activities"
利用可能言語: English -
[PDF] Win or Lose in Court
利用可能言語: English -
Stand up to rights abuse, Exxon tells executives
利用可能言語: English -
ExxonMobil in Aceh
利用可能言語: English -
Abuses by int'l firms in RI [Republic of Indonesia] to be raised with UN
利用可能言語: English -
Exxon Mobil says Aceh torture lawsuit sets dangerous precedent
利用可能言語: English -
[PDF] Corporate Action Network Magazine
利用可能言語: English -
[DOC] Remarks by John G. Ruggie - Business & Human Rights Seminar - Old Billingsgate, London, December 8, 2005
利用可能言語: English -
Villagers' suit will be in a state court [USA]
利用可能言語: English -
[DOC] Conférence de Wilton Park sur les entreprises et les droits de l’homme - Allocution inaugurale
利用可能言語: français -
Liability Forges a New Morality
利用可能言語: English -
Groups Call on ExxonMobil to be Transparent About its Relationship With Indonesian Military in Aceh; Urge Pension Fund Industry & Institutional Investors to Vote "Yes" on XOM Shareholder Resolution
利用可能言語: English -
Proxy Statement - Item 6 – Aceh Security Report
利用可能言語: English -
[PDF] Business befriends human rights
利用可能言語: English -
U.S.: Rights Advocates Hail 'Landmark' Settlement With American Corporation
利用可能言語: English -
The Business of Torture
利用可能言語: English -
Advocates: Tsunami aid only part of picture
利用可能言語: English -
Foreign crimes come home to the US
利用可能言語: English -
Globalization Debate: Broken Promises Vs. Free Trade Mantra
利用可能言語: English -
Human rights: Can multinationals be held accountable?
利用可能言語: English -
[PDF] Oil and Human Rights
利用可能言語: English -
[PDF] Oil, Gas & Energy Law Intelligence [OGEL] - Special Feature on Corporate Social Responsibility
利用可能言語: English -
Unocal decision impacts Shell, Coca-Cola, Exxon [part of ExxonMobil] and Gap
利用可能言語: English -
The questions over aiding and abetting
利用可能言語: English -
U.S. Courts Tackle Foreign Abuses - Energy corporations question 'law of nations'
利用可能言語: English -
[PDF] full report: "In Our Court: ATCA, Sosa and the Triumph of Human Rights"
利用可能言語: English -
States and Corporations: Legal Responsibilities to the People
利用可能言語: English -
Big Business Attacks ATCA in New York Times; ERI's Rebuttal
利用可能言語: English -
Recent ATCA Cases Against Corporate Defendants
利用可能言語: English -
Courting Responsibility
利用可能言語: English -
Human rights for all people for all times
利用可能言語: English -
Slave Labor? Unocal is being sued in the U.S. for ignoring abuses in Burma. It's the next globalization battle
利用可能言語: English -
Multinationals and accountability
利用可能言語: English -
U.S. Courts' role in foreign feuds comes under fire
利用可能言語: English -
Laws of Empire
利用可能言語: English -
A Needed Human Rights Law [USA]
利用可能言語: English -
Oil and Human Rights - Environmental and Human Rights Impacts of the ONG Industry [oil & natural gas industry]
利用可能言語: English -
ExxonMobil in Aceh [Indonesia]
利用可能言語: English -
[PDF] Legal Issues in Corporate Citizenship
利用可能言語: English -
Abuse of 18th Century Law Threatens U.S. Economic and Security Interests
利用可能言語: English -
[PDF] Judging Corporate Accountability in theGlobal Economy
利用可能言語: English -
Powell's Awkward Position [USA/Aceh-Indonesia]
利用可能言語: English -
Letter to Secretary Powell [U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell] Regarding Aceh Lawsuit [Indonesia]
利用可能言語: English -
Statement Regarding NGO Human Rights Lawsuit - Aceh, Indonesia
利用可能言語: English -
U.S. Government Tries to Kill Human-Rights Case against ExxonMobil
利用可能言語: English -
U.S. Backs Oil Giant on Lawsuit in Indonesia
利用可能言語: English -
ExxonMobil Responds
利用可能言語: English -
Groups Shocked as Officials Urge Judge to Back ExxonMobil
利用可能言語: English -
ExxonMobil welcomes US backing on Aceh human rights lawsuit
利用可能言語: English -
Text of the Lawsuit Against ExxonMobil: I [part 1 of 2]
利用可能言語: English -
Individuals struggle to hold corporations accountable for abuses
利用可能言語: English -
U.S./Indonesia: Bush Backtracks on Corporate Responsibility
利用可能言語: English -
U.S. Moves to Block Human-Rights Lawsuit Against Exxon Mobil
利用可能言語: English -
US tries to halt rights suit against Exxon
利用可能言語: English -
State Department Adopts "See No Evil, Hear No Evil" Stance in Case that Pits Indonesian Villagers Against Exxon Mobil
利用可能言語: English -
full text of U.S. State Department letter: Text of State Department Opinion Regarding ExxonMobil Litigation
利用可能言語: English -
Exxon Under Fire in Indonesia
利用可能言語: English -
Indonesia's Guerrilla War Puts Exxon Under Siege
利用可能言語: English -
Corporate Human Rights [human rights lawsuits agains multinationals in U.S. courts]
利用可能言語: English -
ExxonMobil-Sponsored Terrorism?
利用可能言語: English -
ExxonMobil Fights Indonesia Rights Suit
利用可能言語: English -
Exxon Mobil under fire [Aceh]
利用可能言語: English -
Recent ILRF [International Labor Rights Fund] Cases to Enforce Human Rights Under the ATCA
利用可能言語: English -
Litigation Update: A Summary of Recent Developments in U.S. Cases Brought Under the Alien Tort Claims Act and Torture Protection Act
利用可能言語: English -
ExxonMobil's Troubled Relationship in Aceh
利用可能言語: English -
Aceh: Lawsuit accuses Exxon Mobil of complicity in abuses
利用可能言語: English -
Deadly Drilling in Aceh
利用可能言語: English -
Exxon in human rights trouble
利用可能言語: English -
Exxon accused of rights abuses
利用可能言語: English -
Aceh: Exxon Mobil shuts down
利用可能言語: English
Coca-Cola lawsuit (re Colombia)
Can post-conflict Colombia be a business and human rights leader?
利用可能言語: English -
[PDF] Investor Statement for Human Rights and in Support of the U.S. Alien Tort Statute
利用可能言語: English -
Another Supreme Court boost for corporate unaccountability?
利用可能言語: English -
[PDF] Resumen ejecutivo. Informe sobre violencia contra sindicalistas y trabajadores sindicalizados 1984 – 2011 [Colombia]
利用可能言語: español -
Canadian Multinationals and Alien Torts
利用可能言語: English -
Colombia's ex-leader Alvaro Uribe subpoenaed in U.S. federal court
利用可能言語: English -
Shortening the Long Arm of the Law [USA]
利用可能言語: English -
On the Frontier of Alien Tort Claims
利用可能言語: English -
[PDF] Acceso a la Justicia: Casos de Abusos de Derechos Humanos por Parte de Empresas [Colombia]
利用可能言語: español -
[PDF] Think globally, sue locally: Out-of-court tactics employed by plaintiffs, their lawyers, and their advocates in transnational tort cases
利用可能言語: English -
[PDF] Launch of online portal on “Business, Conflict & Peace”
利用可能言語: English -
Un film au goût amer, selon l'entreprise
利用可能言語: français -
Coke discourages screenings of labour documentary
利用可能言語: English -
[PDF] Accountability for Private Military Contractors Under the Alien Tort Statute
利用可能言語: English -
Corte desestima acusación a Coca-Cola por tortura de empleados
利用可能言語: español -
Coca-Cola cleared in Colombian case
利用可能言語: English -
Colombian paramilitary tells how he financed his own Murder Inc.: bananas
利用可能言語: English -
[PDF] Deadly ventures? Multinational corporations and paramilitaries in Colombia
利用可能言語: English -
[PDF] Human Rights Translated: A Business Reference Guide
利用可能言語: English -
[PDF] Business & Human Rights Resource Centre launches world’s first online portal profiling human rights lawsuits against companies
利用可能言語: English -
Coca-Cola response to Guardian article
利用可能言語: English -
To die for [Colombia]
利用可能言語: English -
Colombia: One of world’s most dangerous places for trade unionists
利用可能言語: English -
Colombia: Uno de los lugares más peligrosos del mundo para los sindicalistas
利用可能言語: español -
Hearing to focus on alleged ties of U.S. firm to [Colombian] militias
利用可能言語: English -
[PDF] Colombia - Payoffs to terrorists scrutinized
利用可能言語: English -
Federal judge dismisses Turkish labor dispute lawsuit
利用可能言語: English -
Sinaltrainal presentó apelación en caso contra Coca Cola en corte de Estados Unidos
利用可能言語: español -
Colombian union to appeal court's dismissal of lawsuit against Coca-Cola
利用可能言語: English -
11th Circuit Asked to Clarify Corporate Liability [USA]
利用可能言語: English -
Sindicato colombiano insistirá en demanda contra Coca-Cola
利用可能言語: español -
Hit squad lawsuit against Coke bottlers dismissed
利用可能言語: English -
Juez desestima denuncia de sindicato colombiano contra Coca Cola
利用可能言語: español -
Why all companies should address human rights (and how the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre can help)
利用可能言語: English -
[PDF] Win or Lose in Court
利用可能言語: English -
Colombia: datos importantes
利用可能言語: español -
Trabajo-Colombia: Juicio a Coca-Cola, Nestlé y Chiquita Brands
利用可能言語: español -
[PDF] Coca-Cola: The Alternative Report
利用可能言語: English -
The Coca-Cola Company Statement regarding Colombia Accusations
利用可能言語: English -
"Killer Coke" Or Innocent Abroad? [Colombia]
利用可能言語: English -
Inside Coke's Labor Struggles [Colombia]
利用可能言語: English -
Coke struggles to defend positive reputation
利用可能言語: English -
University of Michigan bans Coca-Cola sales [USA]
利用可能言語: English -
Colombia’s agony, Coca-Cola’s responsibility, Americans’ solidarity
利用可能言語: English -
Liability Forges a New Morality
利用可能言語: English -
Pirates of the Corporation - Holding American companies responsible for high crimes committed overseas
利用可能言語: English -
Coke's Colombian controversy
利用可能言語: English -
Las multinacionales y los derechos humanos
利用可能言語: español -
The Ten Worst Corporations of 2004
利用可能言語: English -
[PDF] The Changing Landscape of Liability - A Director’s Guide to Trends in Corporate Environmental, Social and Economic Liability
利用可能言語: English -
Police Attack Coca-Cola Protest, Over 350 Arrested [India]
利用可能言語: English -
Human rights: Can multinationals be held accountable?
利用可能言語: English -
Unocal decision impacts Shell, Coca-Cola, Exxon [part of ExxonMobil] and Gap
利用可能言語: English -
[PDF] full report: "In Our Court: ATCA, Sosa and the Triumph of Human Rights"
利用可能言語: English -
[DOC] mission summary: "Colombia"
利用可能言語: English -
[DOC] Colombia: Informe de la comisión internacional para los derechos del trabajo
利用可能言語: español -
Analysis: Is trying to kill the Alien Tort Claims Act digging for fool’s gold?
利用可能言語: English -
US group adds Coke to Colombia death squad lawsuit
利用可能言語: English -
Students at Rutgers: Don't renew Coca-Cola contract
利用可能言語: English -
Recent ATCA Cases Against Corporate Defendants
利用可能言語: English -
Courting Responsibility
利用可能言語: English -
Human rights for all people for all times
利用可能言語: English -
IUF Coca-Cola Affiliates Reject Call for an "international consumer boycott" of Coca-Cola beginning July 22, 2003
利用可能言語: English -
Laws of Empire
利用可能言語: English -
Australian Unions to Remove Coke Machines as Retribution
利用可能言語: English -
Rights Groups Overseas Fight U.S. Concerns in U.S. Courts
利用可能言語: English -
Human rights, salary at issue for Coca-Cola
利用可能言語: English -
Partial victory for Coca-Cola workers
利用可能言語: English -
Investigan en E.U. a embotelladora de Coca Cola en Colombia por presunto apoyo a paramilitares
利用可能言語: español -
Coke bottler faces death suit
利用可能言語: English -
Court Rules that Human Rights Case Can Go Forward Against Coca-Cola Bottlers [for allegedly hiring paramilitaries to kill & intimidate union leaders in Colombia]
利用可能言語: English -
Alien Tort Claims Act: Colombia
利用可能言語: English -
Activists targeting UI deal with Coke [USA]
利用可能言語: English -
[PDF] Judging Corporate Accountability in theGlobal Economy
利用可能言語: English -
Colombia's War on Unions: The Coca-Cola Killings
利用可能言語: English -
Corporate Human Rights [human rights lawsuits agains multinationals in U.S. courts]
利用可能言語: English -
Coke, Colombia bottler fight lawsuit [USA]
利用可能言語: English -
Union Activist: Co.'s Hire Attackers [Colombia]
利用可能言語: English -
Recent ILRF [International Labor Rights Fund] Cases to Enforce Human Rights Under the ATCA
利用可能言語: English -
Litigation Update: A Summary of Recent Developments in U.S. Cases Brought Under the Alien Tort Claims Act and Torture Protection Act
利用可能言語: English -
It's the real thing - murders at Coke
利用可能言語: English -
Coke Abuse in Colombia
利用可能言語: English -
Coca-Cola sued over bottling plant 'terror campaign'
利用可能言語: English -
Coke sued over death squad claims
利用可能言語: English -
Demandan a Coca Cola por contratar a "paras"
利用可能言語: español -
Colombian union suing Coca-Cola in death squad case
利用可能言語: English -
Coca-Cola rechaza acusaciones sobre nexos con paramilitares
利用可能言語: español
Talisman lawsuit (re Sudan)
[PDF] The Third Pillar: Access to Judicial Remedies for Human Rights Violations by Transnational Business
[PDF] The Governance Gap - Extractive Industries, Human Rights, and the Home State Advantage
利用可能言語: English -
The Turn to Corporate Criminal Liability for International Crimes: Transcending the Alien Tort Statute
利用可能言語: English -
[PDF] Briefing note - Africa Oil Week 2013: Oil & gas industry must improve its respect for human rights
利用可能言語: English -
[PDF] Investor Statement for Human Rights and in Support of the U.S. Alien Tort Statute
利用可能言語: English -
[PDF] Kiobel and Corporate Social Responsibility: An Issues Brief
利用可能言語: English -
Shell Brief in Kiobel Misstates the Law and Demeans Victims of Human Rights Abuse
利用可能言語: English -
Alien Tort Argument Reset [USA]
利用可能言語: English -
[PDF] Corporate Liability of Energy/Natural Resources Companies at National Law for Breach of International Human Rights Norms
利用可能言語: English -
[PDF] Exaggerated rumours of the death of an Alien tort? Corporations, human rights and the remarkable case of Kiobel
利用可能言語: English -
The Global Lawyer: Corporate Alien Tort Rouses from Its Deathbed
利用可能言語: English -
Canadian Multinationals and Alien Torts
利用可能言語: English -
Shortening the Long Arm of the Law [USA]
利用可能言語: English -
Trial trails: An American court blocks human-rights suits against businesses
利用可能言語: English -
Court throws out Sudan war crimes appeal [USA]
利用可能言語: English -
[PDF] Missing the Point: A response to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce report “Think Globally, Sue Locally”
利用可能言語: English -
On the Frontier of Alien Tort Claims
利用可能言語: English -
[PDF] Launch of online portal on “Business, Conflict & Peace”
利用可能言語: English -
ERI Asks Supreme Court to Hear Case on Corporate Complicity in Crimes Against Humanity in Sudan [USA]
利用可能言語: English -
[PDF] In the Supreme Court of the United States: Presbyterian Church of Sudan, et al. v. Talisman Energy Inc, et al. - Brief for Earthrights International as Amicus Curiae in Support of Petitioners
利用可能言語: English -
[PDF] Universal Periodic Review – United States of America Submission to the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
利用可能言語: English -
[PDF] Presbyterian Church of Sudan, et al. v. Talisman Energy, Inc. - Petition for Writ of Certiorari
利用可能言語: English -
[Ebook] Les Entreprises Transnationales et leur Responsabilité Sociétale
利用可能言語: français -
Congo-Kinshasa: Entreprises transnationales - sujet de (quel) droit ?
利用可能言語: français -
[PDF] Principles and Mechanisms to Hold Business Accountable for Human Rights Abuses: Potential Avenues to Challenge Corporate Involvement in Israel's Oppression of the Palestinian People
利用可能言語: English -
[PDF] Remarks for ICJ [Intl. Commission of Jurists] Access to Justice Workshop
利用可能言語: English -
Talisman Court Upholds Sudan Genocide Suit Dismissal
利用可能言語: English -
[PDF] The Presbyterian Church of Sudan, et al. v. Talisman Energy, Inc.
利用可能言語: English -
2nd Circuit Finds Aid Must Be 'Purposeful' for Alien Tort Statute Liability [USA]
利用可能言語: English -
[PDF] Special event: Martyn Day & Paul Hoffman speaking on “Human rights lawsuits against companies – our experiences with victims, their families and businesspeople” (London, 3 Dec 2009)
利用可能言語: English -
The U.S. Can't Be the World's Court - New York isn't the right venue to sue for apartheid abuses.
利用可能言語: English -
[PDF] Corporate Complicity in Human Rights Abuses
利用可能言語: English -
[PDF] Business & Human Rights Resource Centre launches world’s first online portal profiling human rights lawsuits against companies
利用可能言語: English -
Open Wounds - Big Oil and Big Mining face a host of allegations that they helped commit human rights abuses
利用可能言語: English -
Binnie calls for corporate accountability [Canada]
利用可能言語: English -
Is Canada aware of its Human Rights double standards?
利用可能言語: English -
Lawsuit Against Talisman Energy Dismissed
利用可能言語: English -
[PDF] Company operations in weak governance zones: a practical guide for non-extractive industries [begins on p. 24]
利用可能言語: English -
[PDF] Operaciones en zonas de conflicto y gobernabilidad frágil: guías prácticas para empresas en sectores no extractivos
利用可能言語: español -
Talisman Released From Genocide Case [USA/Sudan]
利用可能言語: English -
Why all companies should address human rights (and how the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre can help)
利用可能言語: English -
Big Oil on Trial
利用可能言語: English -
[PDF] full report: "The International Law Standard for Corporate Aiding and Abetting Liability"
利用可能言語: English -
[PDF] Sudan: Oil exploration fueling displacement in the South
利用可能言語: English -
Dangerous liaison
利用可能言語: English -
Human rights group sues Talisman Energy
利用可能言語: English -
Sudanese Army, Talisman Closely Linked, Lawsuit Alleges
利用可能言語: English -
[PDF] The Unocal Settlement: Implications for the Developing Law on Corporate Complicity in Human Rights Abuses
利用可能言語: English -
Alien Tort Action Survives Concerns of U.S., Canada
利用可能言語: English -
New York judge lets Talisman Energy genocide case proceed despite warnings from Canada, U.S.
利用可能言語: English -
Most Canadian Extractive Companies Behind the Curve on Human Rights Policies
利用可能言語: English -
How oil drives the genocide in Darfur [Sudan]
利用可能言語: English -
Extraterritoriality and what it means for business
利用可能言語: English -
[PDF] full report: "Canadian Energy and Mining Companies Navigating International Humanitarian Law in the 21st Century"
利用可能言語: English -
The limits of human rights legislation [USA]
利用可能言語: English -
Divesting From Genocide: A Conversation with Eric Reeves [co-founder] of the Divest Sudan Campaign [Part 1]
利用可能言語: English -
Judge throws out claim against groups that invested in apartheid South Africa [USA]
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[PDF] executive summary: "Business and International Crimes: Assessing the Liability of Business Entities for Grave Violations of International Law"
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Ministers challenged on backing for oil company - £3m support for company under spotlight for human rights abuses [UK]
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[PDF] Oil, Gas & Energy Law Intelligence [OGEL] - Special Feature on Corporate Social Responsibility
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[PDF] Oil and Human Rights
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Rights activists target energy firms - Companies urged to guard against potential lawsuits [Canada]
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Is Disengagement the Wisest Choice? [Sudan]
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Judge rejects Talisman bid to have suit dismissed
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The questions over aiding and abetting
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[PDF] full report: "In Our Court: ATCA, Sosa and the Triumph of Human Rights"
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Corporate Voluntarism and Human Rights: The Adequacy and Effectiveness of Voluntary Self-Regulation Regimes
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[PDF] Emerging Threat: Human Rights Claims
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Suit Alleging Firm Aided Genocide Proceeds
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[PDF] Legal Issues in Corporate Citizenship
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Deconstructing Engagement: Corporate Self-Regulation in Conflict Zones – Implications for Human Rights and Canadian Public Policy
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[PDF] Judging Corporate Accountability in theGlobal Economy
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Talisman questions memo on Sudan ethnic cleansing
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Canadian oil group asked Sudan army to 'remove' villagers, document alleges
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Amended Complaint Filed in Talisman Suit
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Litigation Update: A Summary of Recent Developments in U.S. Cases Brought Under the Alien Tort Claims Act and Torture Protection Act
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Suit filed in U.S. against Talisman
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Talisman faces suit over Sudan
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Talisman disputes charges of 'ethnic cleansing' in Sudan U.S. lawsuit launched
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RIGHTS: Canadian Oil Firm Sued In U.S. Court Over Sudan Dealings
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High-profile lawyers target Talisman
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Antislavery group to sue Talisman oil for $1 bln
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Blackwater USA lawsuit (re 16 Sep 2007 Baghdad incident)
USA: Four Blackwater contractors jailed for massacre of Iraq civilians pardoned by Donald Trump
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US jury convicts ex-Blackwater guard of murder over deadly shooting in Nisour Square in Iraq
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Ex-Blackwater guards argue appeal
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Blackwater contractors appeal US court convictions over shootings in Iraq
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Une cour américaine condamne 4 ex-gardes de Blackwater à de lourdes peines de prison pour la mort de civils irakiens en 2007
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Comentario: Las empresas privadas militares pueden ser responsables de abusos de derechos humanos, como en el caso Blackwater
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Un jury américain reconnait 4 anciens employés de l’entreprise de sécurité privée Blackwater coupables d'avoir tué des civils irakiens
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Blackwater guilty verdict long overdue
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Blackwater Guards Vow to Appeal Convictions for Iraq Shooting
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Four Blackwater guards found guilty in 2007 Iraq shootings of 31 unarmed civilians
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Rights Attorneys Who Sued Blackwater Respond to Murder, Manslaughter Verdict
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US State Department reports reveal investigation into Blackwater operations in Iraq before 2007 shooting was abandoned after death threat
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Washington Denies Involvement of US Mercenaries in Ukraine
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Un cadre pour le secteur de la sécurité
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Blackwater guard charged over Baghdad murder [Iraq/USA]
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[PDF] Private Military & Security Companies and their impacts on human rights: Recent developments
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Judge criticizes State Department over Blackwater shooting case [USA/Iraq]
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Blackwater founder: my company could have prevented Benghazi deaths (Libya)
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[PDF] Private military & security companies & their impacts on human rights - Bulletin Issue 5
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Lawyers for Blackwater Guards to Fight New Charges
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New charges brought against former Blackwater guards in Baghdad shooting
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Watchdog Body Will Oversee Private Military Contractors
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Iraq War Contractors Fight On Against Lawsuits, Investigations, Fines [USA]
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The Privatization of War: Mercenaries, Private Military and Security Companies (PMSC)
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Prosecutors Mounting New Case Against Blackwater Security Guards [Iraq]
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Prosecutors Outline ‘Stringent’ Safeguards in Second Chance at Blackwater Case [USA]
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[PDF] Corporate Legal Accountability Quarterly Bulletin - Issue 7
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US uses contractors to bypass international humanitarian laws
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DOJ Builds Criminal Case Against Blackwater Security Guards
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Supreme Court rejects Blackwater Iraq shooting appeal
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Iraq bans security firms on oil fields
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Private military & security contractors: a culture of impunity
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Corporate Accountability Now
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Blackwater successor settles Baghdad shooting suit
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L’autorégulation des entreprises de sécurité privée est-elle suffisante pour faire respecter les normes du droit international?
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UN Panel Wants Iraq to Address Military Contractor Immunity
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Blackwater Guards Pitch Manslaughter Case to U.S. Supreme Court
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D.C. Circuit Refuses To Rehear Blackwater Manslaughter Case [USA]
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Former Blackwater Guards Challenge Appeals Court Ruling
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Congress Considers Penalties for U.S. Contractors Abroad
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Appeals Court Reinstates Blackwater Manslaughter Case in D.C.
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Federal judge returns shooting lawsuit involving company once known as Blackwater to NC court [USA]
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Efforts to Prosecute Blackwater Are Collapsing [USA]
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[PDF] State of Affairs: Three Years After Nisoor Square - Accountability and Oversight of U.S. Private Security and Other Contractors
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Cowboy contractors: armed and dangerous
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Privatizing War and Overlooking Abuses: The New Blackwater and their Recent Hundred Million Dollar Contracts with the United States Government
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[PDF] Launch of online portal on “Business, Conflict & Peace”
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[PDF] Stakeholder Submission on United States Obligations to Respect, Protect and Remedy Human Rights in the Context of Business Activities
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Biden vows the US will appeal in Iraq Blackwater case
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Iraq instructs lawyers to take on Blackwater cases
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3 Blackwater Guards Called Baghdad Shootings Unjustified
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US to Review Court Decision on Blackwater
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Blackwater settles series of civil lawsuits
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[video] McCain Hopes Blackwater Charges Will Be Reinstated
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Iraq files case against Blackwater: PM
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Iraqi rage at Blackwater decision in US court
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Judge Drops Charges From Blackwater Deaths in Iraq [USA]
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Good News for Blackwater is Bad News for Industry
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[PDF] United States of America v. Paul A. Slough, et al. - Memorandum Opinion
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[US Department of Justice] Urges Closed Hearing in Blackwater Criminal Case
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Feds drop manslaughter charge against one Blackwater guard
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Blackwater Said to Approve $1 Million in Iraqi Bribes After Shootings
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Judge Refuses to Dismiss War Crimes Case Against Blackwater [USA]
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[PDF] Accountability for Private Military Contractors Under the Alien Tort Statute
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Lawsuit: U.S. had warned Blackwater
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Prosecutors in Iraq Case See Pattern by Guards
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Blackwater Founder Erik Prince Accused in U.S. District Court of Intent to Kill
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Ex-guards' statements implicate Blackwater founder in Iraq crimes
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Blackwater Founder Implicated in Murder
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[PDF] In re: Blackwater Alien Tort Claims Act Litigation - Declaration of John Doe No. 2
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[PDF] In re Blackwater Litigation: Declaration of John Doe No. 1
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Blackwater Seeks Gag Order
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Lawsuit now accuses Xe contractors of murder, kidnapping
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U.S. military probes Blackwater Kabul killing
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La justicia de EEUU advierte a las grandes firmas por los DDHH
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Judge Refuses to Toss Charges in Blackwater Case
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U.S. will not renew Blackwater contract in Iraq
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Bagdad retire sa licence à Blackwater pour la punir d'une fusillade en 2007
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Iraq to Deny New License To Blackwater Security Firm
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Blackwater guards plead not guilty to Iraqi deaths [USA]
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Iraqis applaud charges against Blackwater guards
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Blackwater USA lawsuit (re 16 Sep 2007 Baghdad incident)
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Cinq employés de Blackwater inculpés par la justice américaine
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Feds draft indictment against Blackwater guards [USA]
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[PDF] Business & Human Rights Resource Centre launches world’s first online portal profiling human rights lawsuits against companies
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[DOC] Presentation to the 4th session of the UN Working Group on the use of mercenaries, New York, 4 September 2008
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Blackwater Case Faces Obstacles, Justice Dept. Says [USA]
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Blackwater Lawsuit Says Order Ignored [USA]
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British security co. sued over death of US soldier
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[video] Bill Moyers talks with journalist Jeremy Scahill - Part 2
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Minister seeks Blackwater trials [Iraq]
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Iraq: Blackwater chairman defends guards against allegations of unprovoked shooting that killed 17
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Blackwater USA Sued for Firing on Iraqi Civilians, According to Legal Team for Injured Survivor and Families of Three Killed
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[PDF] Estate of Himoud Saed Atban, et al. v. Blackwater USA, et al. in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia - Complaint
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