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Baku Ceyhan Campaign

Review of project Environmental Impact Assessment

The Baku Ceyhan Campaign has, along with its partner groups, carried out a detailed study of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the Turkish section of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline. Astoundingly, it found 173 violations of international standards, including the World Bank's own lending policies. [refers to BTC Consortium, an 11-member coalition of oil companies led by BP, and including Unocal, ConocoPhillips, Delta Hess (joint venture of Amerada Hess & Delta Oil, State Oil Company of Azerbaijan, Statoil, Turkish Petroleum, AGIP Azerbaijan (subsidiary of ENI), Itochu] [includes Appendix 6 - "Complaint under the OECD's Guidelines on Multinational Enterprises"] [Supplementary Appendix "Evaluation of compliance of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline with the Equator Principles" refers to 4 banks arranging loans for the project: ABN Amro, Citigroup, Mizuho, Société Générale]