Seafood leaders lobby in D.C. [USA]
Louisiana lawmakers are demanding that BP immediately pay $15 million to help restore Louisiana oyster habitats damaged during the Gulf oil spill. Getting that request filled is one of many goals of a team of oyster industry leaders, including Houma’s Mike Voisin, owner of Motivatit Seafoods, who headed to Washington, D.C., this week to lobby for help for the coast and the seafood industry after the BP spill. “It is critical that BP help restore and rebuild these oyster habitats that were damaged from the oil spill. Oysters are more than just a delicacy — they’re part of Louisiana’s vibrant culture and a way of life,” Voisin said. “BP should make this small down payment.” As much as half of Louisiana’s oyster crop was wiped out this summer not by oil but by freshwater diversions opened by the state in an effort to flush oil out of wetlands...Oysters typically spawn twice a year, in May or June and late August or September. The spill ruined the last spring and fall reproductive seasons.