Amazon implements a one-year moratorium on police use of its facial recognition technology & supports federal regulation in the US
利用可能言語: English -
Amazon、警察によるレコグニション(顔認証ソフトウエア)の使用を停止;Access Now(アクセス・ナウ/世界中の人々のデジタル権利を擁護し拡大する活動をする非営利団体)はAmazon社内に人権チームの設立を求める
USA: Whole Foods employees demand Amazon cease business deals providing ICE with controversial software and technical support
利用可能言語: English -
Shareholders vote against proposals seeking to halt Amazon's sale of its facial recognition technology to govt. agencies
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Amazon faces investor pressure over facial recognition
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Shareholders to present slate of proposals at Amazon annual meeting focused on human rights & environmental issues
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A win for shareholders in effort to halt sales of Amazon's allegedly racially biased surveillance technology
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A.I. experts question Amazon's facial recognition technology
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Commentary: Thoughts on recent research paper and associated article on Amazon Rekognition
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Commentary: Amazon should halt use of facial recognition technology for policing & govt. surveillance
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Commentary: Facial recognition can be positive but companies need to ensure human rights are upheld
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Amazon recommends 99% or higher confidence match when using facial recognition for law enforcement
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Amazon workers oppose sale of the co's technology to US immigration
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Commentary: When the robot doesn't see dark skin
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Amazon shareholders ask company to stop selling facial recognition technology to governments following NGO warnings
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Amazon general manager of artificial intelligence highlights positive uses of Rekognition & acceptable use policy
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Amazon urged not to sell facial recognition software to police
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Letter from Nationwide Coalition to Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos regarding Rekognition
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Letter from shareholders to Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos regarding Rekognition
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Amazon non-response
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Amazon urged to disclose public bias testing data for its facial recognition software; co. didn't respond
利用可能言語: English