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Aqil Hamzah and Michelle Chin, The Straits Times (Singapore)

Singapore: An Indian construction worker has died in a workplace accident at Changi East airport project, incl. co. comments

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“Worker killed at Changi East construction site in third death linked to project since 2019”

A 30-year-old construction worker died in a workplace accident on Thursday at the site of the Changi East project, which includes the construction of Terminal 5 (T5) and a new runway for Changi Airport…

The worker, an Indian national, was operating a type of heavy equipment called a skid-steer loader…

The spokesman said: “MOM is investigating the incident and has instructed the occupier to stop all machinery operations at the worksite.”…

The MOM spokesman said the developer of the project is the Changi Airport Group (CAG), and the worksite occupier is a joint venture between Hock Lian Seng Infrastructure and the former Sembcorp Design and Construction, which was acquired by the Chip Eng Seng Corporation in 2019.

The joint venture is also the man’s employer.

The Straits Times has contacted the Hock Lian Seng Group and Chip Eng Seng Corporation for more information.

Checks on the firms’ websites show that the joint venture was working on the development of Changi East and Changi Airport’s three-runway operations.

A CAG spokesman said the group is working with the employer to help the dead worker’s family.

He declined to provide further details, citing ongoing investigations by the police…