Société Générale に対して回答していない
Response by BNP Paribas: Amnesty Intl. calls on French banks to strengthen policies on anti-personnel mines & cluster munitions.
利用可能言語: English -
[DOC] BNP Paribas response to Amnesty International France statements on direct & indirect investments in anti-personnel mines & cluster munitions
利用可能言語: English -
Société Générale did not respond to: Amnesty Intl. calls on French banks to strengthen policies on anti-personnel mines & cluster munitions.
利用可能言語: English -
Response by Natixis (joint venture Caisse d'Epargne & Groupe Banque Populaire): Amnesty Intl. calls on French banks to strengthen policies on anti-personnel mines & cluster munitions.
利用可能言語: English -
Crédit Agricole response to Amnesty International France press release on investment in the arms industry
利用可能言語: English -
[PDF] [Lettre du Natixis / Groupe Banque Populaire à Amnesty France sur des investissements dans les Mines Anti Personnel et de Bombes à Sous-Munition]
利用可能言語: français -
[PDF] Antipersonnel landmines and cluster bombs - Amnesty International denounces the investment policies of France’s leading banking institutions
利用可能言語: English -
[PDF] Summary of the information received by Amnesty International France from the principal French banking groups regarding own-account and third-party client investments in companies linked to the trade in antipersonnel landmines and cluster bombs
利用可能言語: English