Reportedly, all of the injured workers have received adequate medical treatment. 500 workers have received Tk 2000 (approx. €25) each relief money and there is a list of a further 100 workers who will also receive Tk 2000 each. These costs were covered by the emergency trust fund (including mainly the $ 35,000 given by the Spanish company Inditex) and administered by Oxfam...thus far only a few buyers have agreed in principle to contribute to the compensation fund. These include Zara, Karstadt/Quelle, Cotton Group, Scapino and Kirsten Mode...There are still companies in Germany (New Yorker, Bluhmod), Sweden (Harvest), France (Carrefour, Solo Invest, Windfield CMT)...who were confirmed to have been sourcing at Spectrum Shahriyar but who have not yet pledged to contribute to the compensation trust fund. [Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited CMT-Windfield and Bluhmod to respond to the article, but they declined to respond]