The Price of Steel: Human Rights and Forced Evictions in the POSCO-India Project - and company responses
In June 2013, ESCR-Net and the International Human Rights Clinic (IHRC) at NYU School of Law launched... “The Price of Steel: Human Rights and Forced Evictions in the POSCO-India Project”. As well as raising specific concerns about POSCO’s activities it called on investors to leverage their influence to ensure that POSCO respects the rights of communities in the project area...ESCR-Net and others also urged Dow Jones to remove POSCO from its sustainability index. Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited the companies to respond. [Responses by POSCO, RobecoSAM, APG, Bank of New York Mellon, BlackRock, Deutsche Bank, JP Morgan Chase. NBIM and Berkshire Hathaway did not respond]