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Jen Stout, Common Space

UK: Anti-Slavery protestors call on Institution for Civil Engineers to take action on forced labor in Qatar construction

“Anti-slavery campaigners target Qatari stadium construction lecture in Glasgow,” 10 Jun 2016

…[A]nti-slavery campaigners targeted the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) over their involvement in Qatar, holding a static demonstration outside a lecture at Strathclyde University in Glasgow…The lecture…featured a speaker from global services firm ARUP, which won the bid to design the Qatari 2022 World Cup stadium…[I]t featured a discussion of the "complex problems arising" from the stadium construction. Laura Wood, of the Glasgow branch of Anti-Slavery International... said she wanted to see ICE publicly call for an end to the 'Kafala' system, under which migrant workers in Qatar and the Gulf region have their passports confiscated by employers and can spend years unable to return home. The campaigners also called for transparency in the engineering industry regarding the operations of subsidiaries in regions such as the Gulf…

ICE director Sara Thiam…ICE had taken "positive steps" to "promote welfare and prevent the exploitation of construction workforces globally"…