UK: Fruitful Jobs "suspended" from Home Office seasonal agricultural worker scheme; incl. co. comment
Date Reported: 2023年4月13日
場所: イギリス
Fruitful Jobs - Labour Supplier関連
Total individuals affected: Number unknown
移住者・移民労働者: ( Number unknown - Location unknown , 農業及び畜産 , Gender not reported , Documented migrants )課題
Response sought: いいえ
取られた措置: The company was removed from the Home Office's list of approved recruiters.
情報源のタイプ: News outlet
"More labour woes for horticulture sector," 13 Apr 2023
Herefordshire-based company Fruitful Jobs had been a member of the SAWS scheme until 2013 and has subsequently been recognised as a provider of seasonal workers by subsequent governments.
It supplies workers across multiple sectors, including soft fruit, food processing, poultry, meat and viticulture.
However, industry retail magazine The Grocer reported last week that the company, which supplies workers into the horticulture market, was no longer present on the Home Office list of approved labour suppliers.
The company was approached for comment and said it was a ‘temporary suspension’. The Home Office said it could not discuss individual cases.
However, a statement on the homepage of Fruitful Job’s website features a prominent ‘update’ that notes: ‘Fruitful Jobs Ltd does not recruit in Nepal - anyone claiming they work with us in Nepal is doing so without our permission. Please do not pay any company or individual claiming they can get you a job or visa for the UK via Fruitful Jobs Ltd.’...