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Shanti Das, The Guardian (UK)

UK: Migrant nurses at Cambian children's services allege abuse, incl. extortionate recruitment fees; incl. cos. comments

全てのタグを見る 申立

“Sold a dream’: migrant workers at children’s care chain left without pay for months”

Nurses hired from abroad to work for one of Britain’s biggest social care chains have been left in debt and are in some cases suicidal after being stranded without pay for months.

They have also been paid lower wages than they were told they would receive and were in some cases given false promises about their accommodation and employment terms…

The affected workers were hired through agencies … to fill 400 vacancies at Cambian children’s services – part of the CareTech group…

They are understood to have spent as much as £18,000 each … to take up jobs…

Cambian children’s services is part of the CareTech group, which has contracts with more than 300 UK councils …. The company, owned by Haroon and Farouq Sheikh, took over Cambian in 2018…

In a statement to the Observer, Cambian distanced itself from the comments…

The UK-based recruitment agency Cambian contracted to source workers, Harley Medical Services Ltd, appeared to dispute Cambian’s position…

…Harley Medical … in turn engaged another agency, Care2Nurse, to help it source many of the candidates…

Care2Nurse did not respond to repeated requests for comment…