Ukraine: 3 workers injured in accident at Zaporizhzhia Titanium-Magnesium Combine
Date Reported: 2020年8月11日
場所: ウクライナ
Zaporizhzhia Titanium & Magnesium Combine Ltd. (ZTMC) - Parent Companyプロジェクト
Zaporizhzhia Titanium & Magnesium Combine - Operation関連
Total individuals affected: 3
労働者: ( 3 - ウクライナ , 鉱業 , Men )課題
傷害 , Occupational Health & Safety回答
Response sought: いいえ
情報源のタイプ: News outlet
[Summary translation prepared by Business & Human Rights Resource Centre]
At Zaporizhzhia Titanium-Magnesium Combine workers poisoned by chlorine gas, August 11, 2020
Zaporizhzhia Titanium-Magnesium Combine (ZTMC) has experienced a release of toxic titanium tetrachloride, resulting in three workers being injured.
According to preliminary data, the crew was replacing the shut-off valves at salt chlorination unit No. 1, and a toxic substance was released during the valve replacement.
According to the data from ZTMK, the titanium tetrachloride emission has been localized. It did not cause any danger to the environment. Investigation is ongoing.