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Michelle Bachelet, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights stands ready to provide guidance on the protection of human rights in climate action

"...We know that the sum total of States' current nationally determined contributions put us on track for roughly 3*C of warming, more than twice the target the international community agreed to pursue efforts to reach three years ago in Paris.

The consequences of this degree of climate change are unthinkable. Entire nations, ecosystems, peoples and ways of life could simply cease to exist. And countless lives will be irreparably harmed, starting with those who already face discrimination because of their gender; because of their economic status; because they are members of indigenous peoples or minorities; because they are migrants, or internally displaced; because of their age; or because they are people with disabilities...

I am deeply commutted to the struggle to uphold the rights of the millions of people threatened by climate change, now and in the coming years. My Office will extend all possible support to Member States in negotiating and implenting human rights-based climate actions in this critical struggle..."

