'Working in fear': Some private contractors are accused of abusive labor practices on U.S. military bases
Date Reported: 2022年10月27日
場所: アフガニスタン
Triple Canopy - Employerその他
Government ( 軍事/防衛 ) - Client関連
Total individuals affected: 22
移住者・移民労働者: ( 22 - ウガンダ , 警備会社 , Gender not reported , Unknown migration status )課題
人身売買 , 威嚇及び脅迫 , Dismissal回答
Response sought: いいえ
情報源のタイプ: News outlet
Date Reported: 2022年10月27日
場所: アフガニスタン
Aegis Defence Services (part of Aegis Group) - Employer , GardaWorld - Other Value Chain Entityその他
Government ( 軍事/防衛 ) - Client関連
Total individuals affected: 1
移住者・移民労働者: ( 1 - ウガンダ , 警備会社 , Men , Unknown migration status )課題
Precarious/Unsuitable Living Conditions , Occupational Health & Safety , 人身売買 , 採用費回答
Response sought: Yes, by Media
External link to response: (Find out more)
取られた措置: None reported GardaWorld commented that the worker had misunderstood his contract.
情報源のタイプ: News outlet
NBC News, in collaboration with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, The Washington Post, and Arab Reporters for Investigative Journalism, interviewed more than 40 current and former employees of contractors at military bases. NBC News combed through thousands of pages of congressional testimony, reports from the Justice and the Defense departments, Securities and Exchange Commission filings, and other documents to reveal which companies were accused of trafficking workers or determined to have trafficked them...
What NBC News found was a lack of transparency, both in what the Pentagon is willing to tell the public about alleged taxpayer-funded abuse of workers, and what its officials share with one another and other agencies about companies with troubled records.
From fiscal 2017 to fiscal 2021, the military itself took action in 176 incidents of labor violations by military contractors and subcontractors, according to State Department records reviewed for this article, and substantiated violations involving more than 900 workers in fiscal 2020 alone, according to the Justice Department.
Though such information is supposed to be public, the Pentagon would not disclose the names of the contractors with violations, despite multiple inquiries, including Freedom of Information Act requests.
[Refers to Tamimi Global, Triple Canopy, Vectrus Systems Corp., Aegis and its parent company, GardaWorld.]